How Does Baldness Start?

How does baldness start?
How does baldness start?

Hair loss would be due to inactivation of certain stem cells.


70% of people who quit smoking start to gain weight, adding up to between 3 and 4 kilos on average. To remedy this, there are simple and effective solutions to be put in place.
Almost 2.8 kg on average for men, 3.8 kg for women: the weight gain is real when the cigarette is stopped. However, we are not all equal in the face of the explosion of pounds. 30% escape without doing anything special, while 10% grow by more than 13 kg! Weight is very sensitive to the consumption of cigarettes: abstinence of cigarette almost inevitably leads to weight gain.

The origin of the problem is the disappearance of nicotine in the blood during weaning. Nicotine, a substance that causes tobacco addiction, also affects the body's energy balance. In the smoker, it increases the expenses (200 kcal per day on average for a package) and cuts the appetite. When the tobacco is stopped, the reverse happens: the expenses decrease - the body burns less its reserves and irrepressible food cravings increase the caloric intake. "
The lack of nicotine also causes a strong desire for glucose, so that one pounces on the sweets providing additional pounds. This consumption of sugar decreases the desire to smoke.
 What then? To inflict a drastic regime? Not easy, when the private brain of nicotine claims sugar and calories. Food frustration adds to the deleterious effects of addiction and the urge to refill can then become irresistible. This is almost a failure. Much of the women and a non-negligible portion of men use cigarettes to regulate their weight. The fear of gaining weight on smoking cessation is more common in women than in men. In some smokers, fear of gaining weight can be a major barrier to smoking cessation. A strict diet of low caloric intake can reduce weight gain during the diet but its long-term effect is questionable. As with all diets to reduce weight, to stop the diet or even to reduce the severity of the diet, weight can bounce back.

Increase physical activity
It is, therefore, best to keep a balanced diet. In order to control food cravings and lack, do not let hunger take over. A diet slightly enriched in proteins can help to subdue it. But above all, it is essential to take nicotine substitutes, which will reduce hunger and stimulate energy spending again, while mitigating the effects of addiction. A treatment of five to six months may be necessary. To be more effective, patches must be combined with oral substitutes. And of course, gradually decrease the doses to wean off gently nicotine. 
 Another rule is advocated by all specialists. It consists of coupling the cessation of tobacco with a surplus of physical exercises, at least twice a week, at least 20 minutes continuously. On the other hand, you should avoid jogging if you find this boring. Giving yourself pleasure is essential because you increase your energy expenditure while reducing the stress associated with weaning. If one is able to incorporate into his lifestyle with a regular physical exercise of even average intensity, the long-term weight gain can be reduced. 

This recovery is all the easier because we quickly find our breath and the desire to move. By following this method - nicotinic treatment combined with a pleasant physical practice; it is really possible to quit smoking without taking pounds

Dehydration? How to tell if you are dehydrated.


It may be a poor physical condition, dehydration?
My body is heavy, I do not have an appetite, I feel uncomfortable, my stomach hurts...., I am feeling bitter recently? If you are suffering from this bad condition then it may be a dehydration symptom. The risk is throughout the year, not to mention the summer when heat stroke occurs frequently. Dehydration can be life-threatening if the early sign is not recognised. It can also lead to various diseases and result could be severe. Elderly people and children are more vulnerable and need special attention. 

1 Simple Exercise To Fix Bad Posture. Breathing Technique is Crucial.

1 Simple Exercise To Fix Bad Posture.

It is important for all of us to recognize the goodness of posture. If you are sitting down whole day in a chair, the spine slowly starts to bend and the body will adapt to this posture. When this happens, it tends to be a "bad posture” in which the back is rounded. Bad posture has been linked to many health problems such as Change in Spinal Curve, poor digestion, back pain and much more. 

Who are Gurkhas? 10 Mind Blowing Facts About Gurkhas.

Who are Gurkhas?

Who are Gurkhas? 10 Mind Blowing Facts About Gurkhas.

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw had rightly said, “If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gurkha.”
 Gurkhas have been internationally recognised as one of the most resilient and fierce militaries in the world. They are also famous for their endurance and adeptness in battles.  But, who are the Gurkhas?





Many people who have been suffering from weight problem are considering taking Metformin for weight loss. It is suggested that the Metformin cause weight loss but there is no scientific evidence to suggest that yet. Some Physician is conserving using the Metformin in an Off-label manner to people who are suffering from weight problem and obesity.  Does Metformin really cause weight loss? Or is it just a myth? We still don’t know it. But here are some facts, it’s uses and it’s side effects about Metformin.



How to reduce chubby cheeks

How to reduce chubby cheeks

How to reduce chubby cheeks? Reducing the weight on the face is not always same as it is to reduce weight on the body. For the body, we can work out and do some HIIT exercise, but for cheeks and face, it is a different story. Nonetheless, here is 4 easy, effective but rather unusual facial work out which you can try to reduce the density on weight in the cheek and reduce chubby cheeks.
