Many people who have been suffering from weight problem are considering taking Metformin for weight loss. It is suggested that the Metformin cause weight loss but there is no scientific evidence to suggest that yet. Some Physician is conserving using the Metformin in an Off-label manner to people who are suffering from weight problem and obesity.  Does Metformin really cause weight loss? Or is it just a myth? We still don’t know it. But here are some facts, it’s uses and it’s side effects about Metformin.

What is Metformin?

Metformin is an oral anti-diabetes medicine that aids to control blood sugar levels and improve blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Metformin's main work is to decrease liver glucose production and increases insulin sensitivity, which increases uptake of peripheral glucose. Metformin can found in the market with the trade name Glucophage.

How does Metformin works?

Metformin helps of control blood sugar in our body in several ways. It helps by responding better to insulin created by Type 2 diabetics, lowering the amount of sugar created by the liver and reducing the amount of sugar taken by the intestines.

Metformin Common side effects

Ø Gastrointestinal irritation
Ø Diarrhoea
Ø Cramps
Ø Nausea and Vomiting
Ø Increased Flatulence
Ø Taste Disturbance

Metformin and weight loss
As the side Effects of taking Metformin is exceptionally normal and along these, the general population may encounter some weight reduction through every one of the impacts that are brought by Metformin.

v Gastrointestinal irritation
A Mild unsettling influence in the gut brought on by Metformin can let individuals to take fewer sums of food and nourishment which can advance into weight reduction.

v Loss of appetite
Losing the craving for food is another impact of Metformin. Metformin can make you feel full and fulfilled for long and stretch of time. The craving of eating less or loss in hunger can result in weight loss.

v Diarrhoea
It's another effect which can prompt weight reduction. Adverse loss of food and nourishment through stool and increasing intake and drinking of water during loose bowels could help to diminish weight in the body.

v Increased Flatulence
Flatulence helps to release all the gas that is within the digestive system. It doesn't result in 100% of weight reduction, however, might facilitate by helping very little quantity in losing weight.

Some research has suggested that the Metformin also could help to improve even in those with some degree of kidney disease, Heart Failure Or Liver Problems.
 This all above could result in the weight loss, it is not suggested to take Metformin without a doctor consent.

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