1 Simple Exercise To Fix Bad Posture. Breathing Technique is Crucial.

1 Simple Exercise To Fix Bad Posture.

It is important for all of us to recognize the goodness of posture. If you are sitting down whole day in a chair, the spine slowly starts to bend and the body will adapt to this posture. When this happens, it tends to be a "bad posture” in which the back is rounded. Bad posture has been linked to many health problems such as Change in Spinal Curve, poor digestion, back pain and much more. 

So how do we fix this?
 The muscles that support a beautiful or good posture are likely to develop if you consciously keep the muscle active and in the place where it should be by practising day to day. By doing so, the body will adapt to new and correct posture.
 There are many muscles that support good posture. One of them is the core. For this time, let's consciously tighten ours abs. Can you concentrate on your tummy muscles and tighten it? By spending energy on the abdominal muscles for the moment you will start to engage your core muscle which will help to correct your posture
Keeping the waist bone straight and keep on putting my energy into your stomach and tighten it, is great exercise which can be done while sitting. 
However, when tighten your stomach as an exercise; the way you breathe is also very important. Here, I will introduce a breathing technique which will help to fix the bad posture.
 This technique is mainly focused on breathing method, the centre of the body called "Core" and pelvis at the same time.
 While breathing, must people’s centre of chest that inflates while taking in the air, but from practical experience, it is better to be able to do both as an abdominal breath where the air go in the lungs and the chest and the belly expands at same time while breathing.

Ok let begin,
 First, let’s start with a straight line of posture (Photo 1).  (This can be done while sitting as well).
Next, with both hands hold the Ribs. Align the position of the index finger with the bones of the ribs (Photo 2). At this time, turn the thumb backwards in such a way as to hold the person's back.
 Here, slowly, breathe in heavily and let the chest inflate like a balloon (Photo 3). Keep breathing in for 8 seconds. At this time, be conscious of the back side; keep inflating with the enough strength until the thumb starts to move.

 In the next 8 seconds, return slowly the inflated chest balloon to its original size. At first, we will breathe out mainly around the navel while reducing our stomach. Let's repeat this series of flow - that is, sucking in for 8 seconds and vomiting out for 8 seconds - about 5 times. 
 Being about 8 seconds, it is important to keep breathing out and to let your stomach sink inwards cantering on your belly button. If this is done enough, when you exhale, the muscles in the back of your stomach - the "transverse abdomen" at the innermost side - should have a tight power. By working the abdominal transverse muscles, you can train the centre(core) of the body. 

With consciousness and breathing, you can make a beautiful posture. Depending on how to breathe and how to put up with the power of tummy, you can activate your muscles even if you are sitting.  Practice this as much as possible by conscious of your body.

The way of walking and sitting that you do unconsciously will appears in the posture. It is important to know the habit of your own posture will increase the effect of daily life. Therefore, keep on developing consciousness of your body to leads it to a beautiful, good posture and healthy life.

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