Hair loss and excessive hair fall can be one of the worrying periods of our life. It can affect both male and female (especially Male). As we grow older, our body can't produce enough hormone to generate new hair follicle in our head and it can result in hair loss. Besides age, There are lot's of reasons for hair loss and excessive hair fall but here are 6 main reasons which can lead to excessive hair fall. Once you know the reasons, treating it would be less costly as you don't need to try many treatments but rather focus on one.

 1) The Physical Stress

The Physical Stress

Have you recently been a victim of an incident or illness?  An operation, a car accident, or a severe illness any kind of physical trauma can cause temporary hair loss. This can trigger a type of hair loss called Telogen Effluvium where or brain goes to a negative mindset and cause a shock to our body; Resulting in excessive hair fall in our head. This is one of the common reason for excessive hair loss. 



We have all done the meditation at least one in our life. Whether it is before an interview or before an exam or before running. It is state of mind where we try to calm ourselves and our nerves down. The goal of meditation is to focus and quiet your mind, eventually reaching a higher level of awareness and inner calm, this can help as it can provide you with inner peace and you are less likely to think about the incident that took place in your life.

2)  Emotional Stress

Emotional Stress

This is another reason for hair loss it is less likely to happen than physical stress but it can happen. Sudden changes in the circumstances where our mind can’t cope with the situation such as divorce or loss of loved one can trigger the hormone in our body that can cause excessive hair fall.


Talk to someone
This can be one of the loneliest time of our life but talking to someone can help benefit you as it helps to release the stress and pain that is inside you. It could be your friend or family or even talking therapist where they can help you to sort out the situation you are in. Talking therapy is for anyone who's going through a bad time or has emotional problems they can't sort out on their own.

3)Lack of protein

Lack of protein

If you are a vegan and losing hair then this is probably the reason for it is the lack of protein. Some people who go on crash diets that exclude protein or who have abnormal eating habits may develop protein malnutrition. If you don’t get the right amount of protein in your diet then your body will react by shutting down hair growth. The symptom will be seen after 2-3 months of the drop in the protein in your body and resulting in excessive hair loss.


Eat more protein
Now is the time to start eating that meat. Protein not only helps to regain hair but also helps to repair the damaged tissue in our body.If not getting enough protein is the reason, you can fix that through your diet. Salmons, Beefs, and Eggs are the great sources of the protein.

4) Male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness

About 70 % of men will suffer from male pattern baldness by age of 60. It is caused by genes and male sex hormones where everything is slowing down. This can lead to classic hair pattern (M-shaped hairline) widow peak pattern I.e. Sam Smith.


Hair Plantation
Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that moves hair follicles from a part of the body called the 'donor site' to a bald or balding part of the body known as the 'recipient site'. It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness. This could be costly but it is the only options to regain the hair back.

5) Anemia


Iron is an important mineral in the human body that can cause a variety of health symptoms if not adequately supplemented and stored. One of the Symptom is excessive hair fall reason is the lack of Iron also known as Anemia. Also, most 10% of women aged 20 -40 will go through this period which can cause hair fall reasons.


Increasing Iron amount
 Iron holds an important metabolic role in the regulation of the cell cycle Therefore taking the right amount of iron is very vital or body and to stop hair loss. Red meat, pork, poultry, Seafood etc. are the great sources of Iron. Taking iron supplement is also another good option.  

6) Dramatic weight loss

Dramatic weight loss

Sudden physical change in the body can create a chain reaction where the body fight back by creating a hormone to fit the current change that occurs in your body and resulting in thinning the hair. This is due to the amount of stress and pressure that body goes in the process of losing weight can cause trauma to the body and hair loss will be the result of it.


Taking it slow:
 We all want that fast result but in this case taking is slow and steady would be the best option. Getting advise from fitness coach would be the best recommendation as they are the professional and they know how to deal with weight loss. Eating the right amount of diet is also another option but remember not to fast while dieting.

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